
Changelog pulled from GDrive. Will make one final post for information.

Project Adamistic

Hey! Thanks for playing around with Project Adamistic!

This is Project Adamistic. I was bored and wanted to start playing around with RPG Maker again and after some discussion created Project Adamistic!

Last Updated: 4/1/24

Current version: 1

Game completed on 4/1/24

Change Log

4/1/24 (Version 1):

  • Cleaned up certain color choices in text.
  • Gave Ninja Tornado an animation

3/31/24 (Version 0.99):

  • Fixed numbering system…not that it really matters to anyone.
  • New Area(s):
    • The Cave
    • The Deeper Cave
  • Notes:
    • Final boss is now available
    • Was able to beat the game at level 4, but with all the best equipment.
    • Hope is broken…but that’s ok and funny.
    • Still version 0.99 as I have to play it myself and make sure I didn’t miss anything.
    • Final parts are super linear, but feels like it is a bit necessary at that point.

3/30/24 (Version 0.075)

  • Graphic Update
    • The potatoes now have overworld art rather than using stock art.
  • Central Mystica
    • A chest has been added here.
  • New Area(s)
    • Outskirts - Hills
      • Two Chests to find
    • Gom Rattu’s Cave
      • Lore can be read here
      • Shopping allowed
    • Outskirts - Cave
      • Two Chests to find

3/28/24 (Version 0.062)

  • Battle Engine Updated:
    • It should take a few more battles to get to level 3.
    • Fighting each creature once should get you to level 3.
    • Skills have flavor text
    • Kerrtato
      • Now has a chance to cause Fascination
      • Can use Fire
    • Yamtato
      • Now has a chance to cause Poison
      • Can use Spark
    • Hope/Ninja
      • Now has Ninja Tornado at level 5. 

3/27/24 (Version 0.061)

  • Notes:
    • Fixed the event when player gives Golden Carrots to NPC.
    • The item should now be taken out of the inventory.

3/27/24 (Version 0.06)

  • New Locations available:
    • Zema Forest - 1-3
    • Maple’s Home
  • NPCs:
    • Maple
  • Findable Items:
    • GG Armor
    • Golden Carrots
    • Ninja Cap
    • 200GP
    • Vine Knuckles
    • Stimulant
  • Other:
    • Many enemies to fight and combat
    • Should be able to get to level 3. Max level 5. Can grind up to level 5.

3/26/24 (Version 0.03)

  • New Location available:
    • East Mystica
  • NPCs:
    • Rhett
    • Link
    • Sara
  • Findable Items:
    • GMM Shield
    • Potion
    • Dispel Herb

3/15/24 (Version 0.02)

  • New Locations available:
    • Central Mystica
      • Chicken Coop
      • Graveyard
  • Findable Items:
    • Potion
    • Mayor Sammich’s Diary
    • Magic Water
    • Chorse Sword
  • Notes:
    • Chorse Event
      • I wanted to rebuild an event from a previous iteration that revealed a “Shicken”. Though due to there no longer being a sheep NPC option, I updated it to the “Chorse”. This allowed me to create an event with a decision tree. If you help the Chorse, you receive something, otherwise you have to fight the horse. 

3/13/24 (Version 0.01)

  • There's not a lot to do, but you can try to click around and break things!

Current Locations available:

- Mayor Sammich's House

- Adam's House

- West Mystica

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